Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2021

Online dating she gets defensive

Online dating she gets defensive

online dating she gets defensive

 · After 20 years of marriage, Margaret Overton decided to leave her husband. She was 44, had never lived alone and didn't know how to meet other men, so she turned to the internet – with dire Author: Margaret Overton  · 5. She’s extremely defensive for no reason ”When you calmly tell your partner that something feels different, and she responds in an aggressive way, it may be because she is deflecting or hiding something,” Brateman says. “In a loving relationship, your partner wants to Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins What To Do If Your Partner Is Defensive All The Time

End of the affairs: the dangers of internet dating | Online dating | The Guardian

Why does my girlfriend get mad,defensive,and have a problem with me asking her any questions? When anybody else asks her its ok and they get an answer online dating she gets defensive away,and no attitude or horrible treatment, online dating she gets defensive.

I could ask the same question the exact same way and it is a problem. Im controlling and she has to ask my permission and im not allowed to ask her any questions is what she says to me and treats me bad over it. Please help I can ask her who was that when she gets off the phone. Or Ill ask her what are they up to or how are they doing, if she tells me who was on the phone.

She will be talking to a friend about something that happened and if I don't know what they are talking about I'll ask when did that happen or try to involve myself in the conversation so I'm not standing like an idiot.

I ask her about it so I'll know what they are talking about so I can be part of the conversation. Some how it gets turned in to me questioning her and she gets defensive and then tries to turn it on me by bringing up any and everything I've ever done so she doesn't have to answer me. But someone else can ask her the same question right after me and she will tell them all about it. She has something to hide my friend. People that don't have something to hide always reveal their actions.

My man is near me when I'm on the phone and he asks but I usually tell him what's up because he is my best friend and we talk about everything and yes he does jump in on the conversation sometimes.

Why do you want to be with a girl that treats you this way? She is intentionally hurting you and making it out to be all your fault.

I love her with all my heart and am going to marry her, so I have to work this out, sometimes I won't answer her questions and it's because she has asked me the same question 3or 4 times and she asks me again out of spite. Or when we are fighting and she asks me just to make it worse. Her excuse is she does it because I don't answer her so why should she have to answer me! What do I do?

I know she is my soul mate, my one true love! So ending it is not an option but we can't seem to work out this problem and we both can only keep it inside for so long before we can't tolerate it anymore. Please help!!!! Before our love is only in our memories. Oh it sounded like you guys were still in high school.

I'm sorry but good communication and respect is part of the foundation for a strong marriage. What is she going to do stand at the alter and tell everyone else her vows because she wont talk to you.

Stop all this petty behavior and put your foot down. If you want to avoid conflict, lead by example, online dating she gets defensive. Stop questioning her about who she is on the phone with. Go do something else when she leaves you out. If she asks you something, answer no matter what. Do this until she sees she is still doing and stops.

Hopefully she will go with your lead and change with you. Do not give her a reaction when she repeats herself because she wants to fight and get a rise out of you. This is a serious problem and it wont last until one of changes. If she doesn't, online dating she gets defensive, then you deal or bail. Always works acting like a tired stoner to conflicts! I used to react and fight back with my girlfriend. But now Im just like. and she gets all confused and calm. Then i leave her alone for about 30 mins, cause the scientists say that this is about the time a person needs to chill down.

If she said something brutal or something she didn't mean, she always says she's sorry. And then we light another one.

Lighters up! This is a really good conversation. I just happened across this web site, but I respect the view of input given. Women don't want to be responded to verbally as much as they want to be heard. They want you to listen so they can get it out. If they have something to say, they usually do. Simple questions are fine; like, "Hey what do you wanna eat? Women don't usually wanna be asked a lot of questions especially those of an untrusting, online dating she gets defensive them, nature.

If they don't wanna be you, usually you will know, and why would you wanna keep being with someone anyway if they don't wanna be with you? If my wife ever cheated, I would forgive her, but I don't know if I could continue my life with her. I guess that would have to be a personal decision by the individual. Just thought I would share that thought based on this blog heading. My fiance is a pain in the but, he will ask me the same question's over and over like i am in a courtroom.

he's a "CAPITAL DICK" if i dont know the answer to his question's he will ask the same question's in different ways I hate him and our wedding is 6 month's away I don't think am gamed for giving him the rest of my life.

I got so fed up with him talking i sometimes shut him out while he is yelling and fall asleep. Everything is my fault and he's always right. I know he will loose in the end,if he keep's it up. I prefer to live alone instead of living with a looser. Sooo, why are you getting married to him? Please don't say because u love him. You cleasly stated that u hate him. I ask my wife, why you get online dating she gets defensive and tell me small lies about not talking to other guys.

But now she says she don't. You think ishould do and I caught her. Because she thinks you don't trust her. And to her that means you should not ask questions and she doesn't have to answer. My soon to be x is retarded enough to think by accusing me of trying to control her, and not answering if I ask "how was your day? I hope no big drama. Ohh it's a big festival downtown tonight as we'll, and she was going and invited me to go, but then texted this morning she would never go downtown when it's like it is tonight, online dating she gets defensive.

And that her son has the truck so she can't drive around. But the festival blocks off the roads and there is no driving. I disagree. ive never cheated on my wife but she thinks I have. when she questions me regarding the same subjects this guy mentioned, I get angry, online dating she gets defensive. because I know she has a suspicious mind, I feel like she is only asking for evidence of sorts.

who really knows if one asks for legitimate interest or curiosity of foul play. I suppose it could be both, however there are many ways to ask, "what", regarding ones demeanor.

in reality, online dating she gets defensive, I should just stay positive and always answer as if she just wants to be included. but im only suspicious behind her motives because she is suspicious of me. suspicious minds. Some people just act suspicious., online dating she gets defensive. oozing it. Maybe you never cheated and that's good.

Others are suspicious of everything. If there was a bush behind them they'd be convinced the bush was moving closer towards them. When I first met my husband he was convinced the world was out to get him I think he grew up with this mentality and distrusted many online dating she gets defensive. It was not an attractive trait and over a lot of time it smoothed out.

It could be from unresolved problems from childhood. My husband had a online dating she gets defensive difficult childhood and there was alcoholism involved. Jimmy, you should both try to talk to a third party professional if you can or address it if it's hurting your romance in your marriage.

You could just say this is narcissistic insecurity. Everything in the world is about this person, but they are also insecure.

What To Do If Your Partner Is Defensive All The Time, According To 10 Experts

online dating she gets defensive

 · After 20 years of marriage, Margaret Overton decided to leave her husband. She was 44, had never lived alone and didn't know how to meet other men, so she turned to the internet – with dire Author: Margaret Overton What To Do If Your Partner Is Defensive All The Time By Jakesand84, 8 years ago on Dating. , K. My girlfriend gets mad and defensive if I ask a question. Some how it gets turned in to me questioning her and she gets defensive and then tries to turn it on me by bringing up any and everything I've ever done so she doesn't have to answer me

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